How Lovely to Meet You

My name is Kirsty.

That’s me over there.

I’m a writer. I’m a magician. I paint pictures using words.

By combining my words and your imagination, I tell stories that draw you in. Your heart longs to read more.

Doesn’t it?

I’ve been copywriting since 2015, when I decided to stop wasting my love of the English language, and start doing something with it.

Since then, I’ve written for five-star hospitality brands, had two editorials published in two National Geographic publications, and I’ve had so much fun writing for a diversity of clientele from across the world, from marketing agencies in the USA, party hostels in Thailand, a plumber in California, and a Nordic mythology eCommerce site in Australia.

I’ve been trusted with websites, brochure content, sales letters, company blogs, culinary menus, social media content, eBooks, and even the occasional awkward personal letter.

And a bunch more.

Let’s Tell Your Story

I’ll write for you with English that’s of an international standard. I just know that together, we could transform your marketing copy from drab facts to a story that tranfixes your readers and has them clicking for more.

Let’s make some magic together. Let’s tell your story!


Copywriting is Personal

I love writing. Sort of the way you might love cycling, skydiving, or chocolate cake.

What this means for you is that I don’t just take our work seriously; I take it personally. Sure, I want to boost my own ego by producing mind-blowing, Pulitzer-prize-award-winning content. But I deeply desire for your business to grow as a result of our work together. I want the copy that we produce to be beautiful, to bring light to the digital world, and to serve its purpose.

If you think that you have a project that I could help you with, take a look at the services that I offer, or contact me directly to find out more.

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